이 글은 성령과 함께 신천지 약속한 목자께서 증거해주신 말씀입니다.



Background Music Info


- Artist : Scott Buckley

- Music : 'Desperation' [Dark, Solemn Orchestra CC-BY]

- Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt9I4pd2jEI&ab_channel=ScottBuckley

- As usual, 'Desperation' is released under CC-BY. Learn more about how to use my music, here:




- This track is released under Creative Commons Attribution, meaning you can use the track in your projects (including commercial projects) as long as you credit me. More info here: http://bit.ly/2mF9RPX

- Song: Absolution

- Artist: Scott Buckley

- Video link: https://youtu.be/sXDrwWlu-I4

- Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsxpuDo2FPA



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